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President's Message -
President’s Message 2018-02-16T11:32:35+00:00

Welcome to British International University! Since 1999, our institution has helped tens of thousands of students earn college degrees, career diplomas and career certificates that have helped them succeed. Now, it’s your turn.

British International University is a leader in flexible, affordable career education including online college degrees. We offer more than 125 self-paced programs of study promising an enriching learning experience.

Best of all, British International University makes it easy to balance work, family and education, because you study on your own convenient schedule. Plus, count on caring academic guidance from our support staff, all of whom are dedicated to your success.

We hope your British International University education is part of a continued journey of learning that will last a lifetime. There is nothing standing in your way! Reach for your dream now.

Yours for a successful future,

British International University